The Best of Snapchat with the Right Solutions


Spy App - Features to track information on Snapchat

Is Snapchat a risk-free app? Surely not, but there are ways to protect yourself. Here are the tips to send snaps without fear.You can already start by following Geek Junior on Snapchat! You just need to scan the snapcode.

Snapcode Geek Junior mini

Several news stories had their source from videos posted on Snapchat. If the application itself is not directly questioned, its use can quickly become dangerous if some basic rules are not observed. For the Snapchat viewer this is important.

Pay Attention To The Feeling Of Security With Snapchat

Snapchat promises anonymity thanks to a nickname, ephemeral messages and the possibility of sending your snaps to a single group of recipients. All its functions can give you an impression of great security and that you can therefore publish everything you want.

But beware, some content, even on Snapchat, may be illegal. Cyber-harassment, on Snapchat or elsewhere, is a crime and the mere sharing of content without the consent of the people involved is prohibited.

Watch Out For Screenshots Or Video

Just because Snapchat claims to be a pop-up messaging app doesn’t mean you can’t take screenshots of images or record videos. Several methods exist for little budding geeks. Also, I recommend that you do not send photos that could be compromising for you because you will never know if one day it could not reappear on any social network without your agreement.

Beware Of Photos Without Captions And Their Interpretation

With Snapchat, taking a photo becomes very spontaneous. Too much maybe? And we can share dozens of content in a day. So you have to be careful. Before sending your snap, you have to think for a moment and ask yourself how the photo will be interpreted. Out of context, a photo can be perceived in a very different way and misunderstandings can occur. If in doubt, don’t post the photo or take the time to put a little caption to explain the situation.

Be Careful With Whom You Share Your Snaps

Make sure you know the friends to whom you send your messages. Indeed, many people can follow you on Snapchat but fortunately, you can perfectly control to whom you send your content.

Be careful, if you choose to publish your photo or video in a Story, think about who can see your “Story”. To do this, press the small white ghost at the top of the home screen and then the gear on the right at the top of the next screen. There, on the option “Who can …”, you can define who can “View My Story”: “Everyone”, “My Friends” or “Personalized”.

Snapchat sharing story

Use Two-Step Authentication To Secure Your Account

The worst thing for a Snapchat user would be to have their account hacked. To avoid this, a simple security measure is two-step authentication. With two-step validation you use a password and a code obtained from your mobile phone. Therefore, this is particularly useful when your Snapchat account is logged on to a new device or when you change geographic area. Indeed, Snapchat will consider this type of event as abnormal and will thus verify that it is you by sending you an SMS.

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