How To Create Attractive Instagram Descriptions For Your Posts?


When you publish content on Instagram, you can accompany it with a text or description to give context to that image or video and that your followers know more about what they are seeing.

If you create attractive Instagram descriptions, the possibility that the publication’s reach will be more significant since the Instagram algorithm detects that users spend more time viewing your publication and understands that your publication is relevant and valuable. Your followers are more likely to end up writing a comment on it.

Therefore, I will give you tips for you to create attractive copies for your Instagram posts.

Select The Objective Of Your Publication

Before you start writing, think about the goal of that post:

  • Do you want to boost your brand by telling a personal story so that your followers know you better?
  • Do you want to publicize a new product or service of your brand?
  • Do you want to provide valuable information on a specific topic in your sector to stand out as a professional in it?
  • Do you want to drive traffic to your website so that they see your latest post?
  • Do you want to create a debate to find out your followers’ opinions on a specific topic?

Depending on your objective, you should create a copy focused on a specific action or another, providing more personal or professional information, being more direct, or allowing you to go deeper or add context.

Also, keep in mind that you must capture attention with your image or video, but retain them with the text, so both must make sense together for it to work correctly.

Tell Your Story (Storytelling)

People connect with people. That is why I emphasize my clients and all the people who write to me to ask me for advice about their Instagram accounts on what should be shown on their profiles.

And not only physically (users want to know who is behind a brand, especially when you buy cheap instagram followers, they will connect much more with that person or people than with the object you want to sell them) and on a more personal level.

You are the one who chooses what you are going to share and whatnot; you do not have to tell everything. But if you let your followers know you, know your opinion on specific topics, your feelings on certain actions, or your story of how you got where you are, you will create a sense of closeness between them and your brand.

Broadcast With Your Voice

Indeed you follow many brands, and you love their way of writing and expressing themselves on Instagram, but if that is not your way of expressing yourself, do not try to copy it.

Each of us is different, which makes you unique within all the Instagram accounts in your sector. You have your voice, and it is the one you should use in your Instagram descriptions if you want to stand out and get your account to reach your potential customers.

Other accounts can inspire you, but always create your content being true to your style (which can change or evolve as you, your brand, or your goals do).

Start With The Best Introduction

When you publish, in the Instagram feed that appears to your followers, only the first lines of the text you write will occur, regardless of how long it is.

Therefore, those first lines have to hook; they have to be the title that tells your followers what you are talking about in your description to get them to click on see more and read everything you have written.

You can try to ask a question, affirm something contradictory or controversial, or summarize in one sentence the concept you will develop below. Anything that goes with your style and that you think can get the attention of your followers.

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